Low cost: The cost of our solution is only GBP79 (USD99 – EUR89) a month for the billing and Web Access applications along with support, on an unlimited basis. There is also no minimum contract period as you can cancel at any time by giving us a month’s notice.
Unlimited billing: Support when it comes to Telecom billing is vital as getting the right (or wrong) billing partner can impact finances substantially. Only with us do you get true unlimited billing for life: bill as many customers, CDRs or service charges as you need and send us as many general support requests as you require. No limit.
Local support: Because we sell our system on all 6 continents we have managed to build a system that is truly universal. We are also able to offer local support in many cases thanks to an extensive network of resellers world-wide.
Unlimited support and free software development: Our support service includes unlimited general support which extends to support of our systems not just on our own servers but also on the customer’s own systems. Our software support is also unique in that we offer free limited software development should you have the need for a change in the software or a new feature.
Own language added free of charge: Our Telecom CDR billing software system already supports English, French, Spanish, German and Italian. However, your own language will be supported in the software at no extra cost.
Maximum flexibility: TeleFactura is able to bill virtually anything from service charges, voice calls, data services, recurrent services whether based on text files, in any database and on any web page, all in real time. It is truly universal as it is able to bill 99% of CDR formats out there as standard without us having to change anything in the programme. All our programmes can run either on MS Access, MySQL or MS SQL Server. Virtually everything in our Telecom CDR billing software system can be customised and you will have your own stand-alone set of applications and full access to your database, source files of all Web portals, invoice templates and reporting files. Finally, the programme has a built-in query builder which can be used to create any number of email alerts and bespoke reports.
Full ownership of your data, data-protection and security guaranteed: All applications can be hosted by you. You will therefore have complete ownership of your data and also be compliant with any potential data protection laws that might exist in your country. Alternatively, all data, apps and portals can be hosted by us for a small monthly fee. More on this topic can be found
Unique software add-ons: We have made the integration of third party applications one of our strong points. Our Telecom billing solutions are the only ones integrated with the following: built-in help-desk and ticketing system for your customers, Sage Accounts, Xero, TekRadius, Radius Manager, GlobalPay, Paypal, Skrill, SagePay and Authorize.net. We are open to developing tailor-made versions of our systems and integrating any additional third party system into any of our applications (Payment system, CRM, CMS, softswitch, PBX,…).
Get things done fast and easily: With speeds of up to 9,000,000 CDRs an hour you’ll be spending more time doing other things than billing your customers. Installation of the billing programme is done in a few seconds and can easily be accessed
in the Cloud, anywhere using any Web browser with our Cloud Access service. Your customers and resellers have access to
their own Web portal.
Latest technologies: TeleFactura uses multithreaded Microsoft .Net C# assemblies for all billing, tools, SEPA and accounts functionality. We also are the only system that you can use with either SQL Server, MySQL or MS Access.
Over twenty years’ experience: We can help you tap into over 20 years of experience that we have gained in the Telecom billing market in over 40 countries.